Peter was here and we went to a very cold, wet, short Memorial Day parade... sans jackets. We are tough though, we survived the 17 minutes in short sleeves in the frigid 57 degrees.
I worked at an elementary school where the kids who sold at least 30 items for a fundraiser got to go to lunch in this... a stretch hummer. Later some of the teachers took turns combining classes so they could go for a ride too. (Substitutes were not included in this.)
I introduced Peter to the BEST ribs anywhere in the whole world... Rib Shack is awesome. YUM!

(Yep, that's the day we went to the drive-in, but this was earlier)J took us out for lunch since it was my brother's last full day in town. We went to Hungry Hobo's for some baked potatoes and sub sandwiches. This sweetie-pie stole my pop once we got home.

Sadly, my brother went back to California... but I still had a ton to do. J and I mowed his yard and then headed over to mow mine. If I had taken the picture fast enough, there would have been a beautiful butterfly here. Instead, you just get some flowers from J's bushes.

J and I had a wedding to go to that evening and since I have lost 30 pounds so far this year, I decided it was time to get a new dress. This is the one I wanted... but it was too expensive. I'll have to post a pic of the one I got another time. Still, I loved this dress and the fact that this one (and the one I actually bought) were a size 14!!! (I haven't been in a dress that small in several years.)

This is the bouquet I 'caught' at the reception. Actually, all the singles were gathered and the bouquet was handed to me. The same happened with the men... and after a quick fake throw by the groom the garter was put right in J's hands. :-)
Kids came home. Ran to the store. Saw this pup with his whole head out of the window. He didn't growl or bark (he didn't act happy either!), but it was a little disconcerting to have to squeeze between this dog and my van to get into the driver's seat!

Now... who is ready for some 'Not Me Monday?"