I ordered a new laptop last week (it ended up being cheaper to order straight from HP than it was to buy one at a retail store)! Since it was being built to my specifications, I have been awaiting my email telling me that it had been shipped.
Imagine my surprise when I got the email today and clicked the FEDEX tracking number to see that it had shipped from Shanghai CN. I was pretty sure there was only one Shanghai, but I was so surprised to see it was shipping from China, I thought I'd better Google it. I did.
I found
this blog where confused people kept commenting about how they were confused but "relieved to find out that there is a Shanghai, Connecticut" and were hoping to get their piece of computer equiptment soon.
The comments on that blog are now closed, so I had to just write one of my own letting you all know that there is no Shanghai in New England, and there is a pretty good chance that any computer you order originally came from somewhere overseas.
Guess we'll see how that whole 5-7 business days thing goes.