I ordered a new laptop last week (it ended up being cheaper to order straight from HP than it was to buy one at a retail store)! Since it was being built to my specifications, I have been awaiting my email telling me that it had been shipped.
Imagine my surprise when I got the email today and clicked the FEDEX tracking number to see that it had shipped from Shanghai CN. I was pretty sure there was only one Shanghai, but I was so surprised to see it was shipping from China, I thought I'd better Google it. I did.
I found this blog where confused people kept commenting about how they were confused but "relieved to find out that there is a Shanghai, Connecticut" and were hoping to get their piece of computer equiptment soon.
The comments on that blog are now closed, so I had to just write one of my own letting you all know that there is no Shanghai in New England, and there is a pretty good chance that any computer you order originally came from somewhere overseas.
Guess we'll see how that whole 5-7 business days thing goes.
You wrote - "I found this blog where confused people kept commenting about how they were confused but "relieved to find out that there is a Shanghai, Connecticut" and were hoping to get their piece of computer equiptment soon."
Umm . . . either you purposely took that quote out of context or you didn't actually read the full comment (or other comments for that matter).
If one actually reads through the comments on that blog you will see that everyone was saying that when they received their tracking numbers from Fed-ex initially they made the mistake of thinking Shanghai,CN stood for Shanghai Connecticut but since that seemed odd they googled the place and found that their packages where actually coming from China.
All of those commenting were quite aware at the time of their posting that there was no Shanghai Connecticut. That blog is just basically everyone laughing at their collective mistake.